Scotland is in the United Kingdom. The 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom are Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK is quite a small place with a population of 60 million people.
The population of Scotland is 5 million people. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and is generally quite flat. The north of Scotland is called the highlands and is very hilly. There are many mountains in the north of Scotland. The highest one is called Ben Nevis.

The scottish flag is often referred to as the saltire.
The national emlem of Scotland is the thistle. I think that the colour of the thistle is very nice.

The national food of Scotland is haggis. It is made from the liver and intestines of a sheep and boiled in it`s stomach. Haggis is eaten with turnip and mashed potato (neeps and tatties). I do not eat haggis as I am vegetarian and do not eat meat although I do like fish.