Ahh! This is the best part...my hobbies. However, I`m not sure if the following is
considered to be a hobby or not. If you consider travelling a hobby then YES it is my hobby.
I love to travel, and during my stay in Japan I have taken the opportunity to travel around Asia.
Please take a look...
Look! It`s the Great Wall of China!
I was so tired climbing this wall. Some portions of
the wall was a 90 degree climb. I`m not kidding you. If you don`t believe me, I suggest you go to Beijing and try it for yourself. Huff, puffc
This is Datong. My friends and I took a 32 hour train west of Beijing and arrived at this very rural part of China. The scene behind us are actually homes to a number of Chinese families. I`m not even going to mention about the toilets there.
On the left, you have the famous Twin Towers
located in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. It was
fascinating. The movie "Entrapment"
was shot here.
On the right, it`s Ly standing at the base
of the Twin Towers. Wow!
It`s me again with the KL Tower in the background.
Me in Hiroshima.
One of my favourite things to do....eat!
I am showing off my Hiroshima`s okonomiyaki
before it`s all gone.
Me at Himeji I was so lucky to have been allowed to jump on this portable shrine. Not only was I allowed to sit in it to take my picture but they even let me bang on the taiko drum inside.
I`m holding the drum sticks. It was very fun!
Me at Miyajima and its famous torii in the background.
Whew! So pooped...after seeing all those
places and doing all that travelling. I`m
very tired. Where`s my bed?