My Life in Connecticut

I am from Connecticut, a tiny state in the United States. My hometown is Simsbury. It only takes about 2 hours by car to get to New York and Boston. It is very convenient!

This is a map of Connecticut. It was one of the 13 original colonies, and is known for having yummy maple sugar. I was born in Hartford, the state capital.

This is my house in Connecticut.
I have lived here since I was 6 years old. We have very nice neighbors. They love to come visit and swim in our pool. My house is pretty small but it is very cozy!

This past May, I graduated from Connecicut College. This is a picture of the campus. You can see Long Island Sound in the background. The ocean is only 5 minutes away!

This is a picture of my car--the Honda. And next to it is a picture of October Farms, the ice cream shop where I used to work during high school.

My school's mascot is a camel. Kind of strange, but I must admit, I am proud to be a camel!